A morning of meditation, movement, and ceremony.
Saturday March 21, 10am-1:30 pm
Cost: $40
Join Mara Branscombe for a morning of meditation, breathe work, yoga, and a community candle lighting ceremony to honour Spring Equinox.
Honour the emergence of Spring Equinox, call in and plant your vision seeds, shed the darkness of winter and welcome the return of the LIGHT.
As the wheel turns, the earth begins to awaken and shift.
When we align with the alchemy of Spring we have an opportunity for potent growth and renewal.
Join us as we dive deep into breath-work, chakra attunement, mantra, meditation, and a full bodied yoga practice to clear energetic blockages and free up space for the alchemy of spring to emerge.
Seal in the practice with Yoga Nidra (deeply restorative yogic rest) and a guided Journalling session.
What you feed grows.
Attune to the wheel of your LIGHT, and hold space for renewal and growth inside and out.
Please bring: a journal/pen and something from nature for the altar.