Dec 4, 11, & 18; 8-9:30am
Investment: $50 for all three sessions; $20 drop-in
The Sanskrit word “Mahā” means great, vast, large beyond comprehension. When something can be described as Mahā, it is pervasive; not only existing in the unspeakably huge, the Mahā rules the minuscule as well. It speaks of a quality that is fundamental to reality, to existence itself. The Pañcha Mahābhuta, or the Five Great Elements, are one such fundamental quality, and are a vital aspect of the philosophical traditions from which Yoga takes root. Being “Mahā,” they have implications for all things, including our yoga practice. These four classes will involve an āsana portion that will explore the universal application of elements in poses, followed by 30 mins of chai-and-chat. The goal is to provide students with a language with which to explore their own practice, and discover both the universal qualities of these elements and the infinite variety with which they manifest.