Join Mara Branscombe, author of Ritual As Remedy: Embodied Practices for Soul Care in a ceremonial journey that explores mind-body practices and tools for personal transformation while strengthening sense of purpose and connection to self and others. Connect to the 5 elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether, along with the seasonal wheel of the year and the symbolism of the moon’s cycle through embodied, earth centric practices. Move through a fluid yoga practice, enhance your personal frequency with breath-work, learn the art of altar making, hone your craft of moon rituals, and awaken the sacred feminine and masculine through dance journeying, visualization, and journaling.
Discover how daily rituals generate capacity, cultivate depth, purpose, and enhance personal alchemy. Learn how to align daily practices with life goals and visions. Come as you are, we will celebrate both the individual and the collective growing together as a whole. Come away from this experience with your own tools and practices to self-guide or guide others through the art of ritual.
Wear comfortable clothing, bring a yoga mat, journal, and a mall collection of items that represent the elements to create your own personal altar.
Investment $45